

We recently created a large suite of animated award badges for the Cowboy bicycles phone app.

The app allows riders to track the distance and location of their rides allowing them to clock up distance, speed, and location-specific stats and awards.

The achievements fell into a number of categories:

  • Activity Streaks

  • Distance Covered

  • Uncovered Territories


Below are the awards for 3 / 6 / 9 and 12 months of continuous riding streaks.



Here are examples of badges that reward riders for total vertical distance climbed - using the height of the Eiffel Tower as a reference, high speeds achieved, and total distance covered - in this case, the length of Route 66 in the United States.

Below is the full illustrated suite. If you would like to see these in motion, you’re going to need to get peddling one of Cowboy’s incredible bikes.

Asset 24@2x.png

Activity Streaks for Days / Months etc

Uncovered Territories

Distance Covered